The TAROT IS a magical, mystical and powerful tool.

I’m Margaret VanLaanMartin, Psychic, Medium, and Teacher since 1997.

In this class I will be teaching how to:

   •   Choose the perfect tarot deck.

   •   Set up your reading space.

   •   Handle the cards during the reading.

   •   Use rituals to keep your deck energetically clean.

   •   How to deal with “difficult” cards.

And, best of all, I do not recommend memorizing your cards!

NOW is the time to empower yourself and take your Spiritual Development to a whole new level.

Give yourself a gift that can shift the rest of your life and set you on a path to help others while you continue to grow by using the Tarot - a mystical, magical tool for self-growth and divination.

 This course will:

   •   help you activate and refine your Intuitive skills,

   •   help you improve the skills you already have,

   •   help answer your pressing questions,

   •   help you help others,

   •   be an effective Tarot Reader, and

   •   develop more accuracy with details, numbers, dates and insights.

There is no card memorization in this class but, if you already know your cards, this class will help you use them more effectively.

Who this class is NOT for

If your interest is specifically in learning about different spreads of the tarot during readings, you may find one of the Tarot Mastery courses that highlight different spreads more valuable.

Training makes the difference. 

Come explore the possibilities!

See you in the class.

Margaret VanLaanMartin
Learn from a Master Tarot Reader

Tarot Basics card exchange
Watch important demonstrations

Margaret VanLaanMartin
Develop important skills


The Tarot Basics online class helped me organize my Tarot practice. I read for my own benefit and occasionally read for others too.

What Margaret taught was indispensable. She covered the basics of how to handle the cards, allowing the meaning of the card to come through without trying to memorize everything, as well as how to handle sensitive topics with clients, which may come up in the reading.

Margaret keeps an old divining practice simple, practical, and purposeful.

I love taking classes with Margaret!

Jennifer L

Course Curriculum

Enroll in Course

Normal price for this course in my studio is $300. This online version is complete yet less than half price. The added benefit of taking this as an online course is that you can review the lessons as often as you wish, and your enrollment never expires.

Margaret VanLaanMartin

Hi I'm Margaret VanLaanMartin

Tarot Master and Teacher

I LOVE what I do. It is such a pleasure to see the benefits in the lives of my clients through the work I do, including my work as a teacher, empowering students to trust their own intuitive abilities.

I started reading tarot in 1997, and in this course you’ll learn what slowed me down in my enjoyment of the tarot. I don’t want you to be slowed down at all, and that’s why I’ve created this course.

Remember, the tarot IS a magical, mystical and powerful tool. Every reading is an unique adventure into growth and discovery.

I love the Tarot, and hope you will, too.